segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2009

The Best Energy Links - A global overview of renewable energy sources from the Official European Commission Web Site for Renewable Energy Sources.
The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing energy efficiency as a means of promoting both economic prosperity and environmental protection.
American Public Power Association - click here to read about up-to-date analysis on crucial legislative actions in each state regarding energy. Features great editorials such as the "Public Power" headlines which come out daily and weekly. You can even catch up on current events in your home state!
Building Codes Assistance Project (BCAP) works to save energy in homes and buildings by promoting the adoption and implementation of building energy codes. BCAP provides free assistance to states and municipalities in their efforts to adopt and implement both commercial and residential energy codes.
CADDET provides information on energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies within industrialized nations.
California Air Resources Board provides information regarding California's air quality, including strategic plans, news releases, upcoming events, and related links.
California Energy Commision - Data on energy production, consumption, conservation and use in California, as well as information on energy deregulation, renewable energy and energy research. Kids' pages with educational material.
Center for Safe Energy has been working with environmental activists in the former Soviet Union on energy, energy efficiency and environmental issues since 1989, developing an extensive network of trusted and knowledgeable partners in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and Kazakhstan.
Climate Ark - search climate and energy resources on the Internet. Climate Ark promotes public policy that addresses global climate change through reductions in carbon and other emissions, energy conservation, alternative energy sources and ending deforestation.
The Critical Mass Energy Project has been a powerful voice for protecting America's natural resources by promoting renewable and energy-efficient technologies. Sponsored by the public interest group Public Citizen.
Energy Efficient Building Association EEBA promotes energy-efficient and environmentally responsible buildings and communities.
Energy Foundation is a partnership of major foundations interested in sustainable energy. ENERGYguide teaches you how to lower your energy bills, through selecting a new supplier, replacing equipment in your home or business, or changing the way you use energy. Learn how your choices impact the environment.
Energy Information Administration is a good source for energy publications and national energy statistics.
The EnergyStar Program - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy program, identifies products that meet energy saving standards.
The Environmental Defense Fund's Electricity Label Generator shows you how your electricity is produced and how much pollution is created in the process.
Flex Your Power - Tips for Californians on energy consumption.
Green Seal - Do you want to clean up your environment? Well, Green Seal is here to help with great recommendations on environmental-friendly products. Check out the "Choose Green Reports" section to find out how you can conserve resources just by changing the everyday products that you use.
Gridwatch Global Power Directory is a comprehensive directory of renewable energy companies, trade associations, research organizations, educational programs and publications. Standard listings are available at no charge, expanded ones available for a fee.
The Home Energy Saver is designed to help consumers identify the best ways to save energy in their homes, and find the resources to do it.
International Energy Agency provides key world energy statistics.
Land and Water Funds Community-Based Campaign for Wind Power is an easy way for residential customers in Colorado to sign up for wind power.
The Lighting Research Center focuses on advancing the effective use of light for society and the environment.
Minnesotans for an Energy-Efficient Economy is a coalition working to improve the quality of life, the environment and the economy of the state.
Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance - A consortium of utilities, governments, public interest groups, and the private sector dedicated to transforming markets for energy-efficient products and services in the Pacific Northwest. - Bi-monthly magazine that covers all renewable energy technologies, including photovoltaics, passive solar and other climate-responsive building, and wind power.
Solstice is the starting place for information and educational materials on energy efficiency and renewable energy options.
Solutions for the Environment offers interactive, multimedia information resource tools covering all areas of renewable energy technologies. Some information content is available free on website.
The US Department of Energy's comprehensive resource for energy efficiency and renewable energy. Statistics, Data, and Analysis on resources, supply, production, consumption for all energy sources.
National Renewable Energy Lab - facility for renewable energy and energy efficiency research, development, and deployment.
WIRE: World-wide Information System for Renewable Energy provides conference papers, jobs, whitepapers, projects, organisations, literature, links, discussion forums, a glossary, and news on renewable energy.

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